Hello Sweepers!

3 min readOct 23, 2022

Welcome to the world of Garbles, Sweepers.

Garbles is a blockchain mobile game with a very ambitious goal. We are on a quest to clean up the planet.

Trash has become so abundant that humans no longer know how to store it. Luckily, a group of smart scientists (known as “Cleantists”) has found a way to cultivate goofy and hungry creatures constantly looking for trash to ingest. With the help of a Transmuter, a powerful machine that can transform garbage into Garbles, you will embark on a quest to populate the planet…while saving it!

Focus on the Gameplay, not on the blockchain

Garbles is a geolocation-based game. As a Sweeper, it’s your responsibility to explore the physical world and collect as many malodorous resources as you can find. Trash and eggs are the main items that can be captured as NFT by means of a vacuum cleaner. Thanks to our tech, everyone can easily set up an in-game non-custodial wallet, so less time is spent worrying about the technicalities of blockchains and all the focus is on the game experience itself.
Once you have collected enough resources, combine an egg and your scrap materials into a Transmuter. Transmuters are technological wonders but alongside trash, they eat up a lot of energy. Use NUCLEAR energy to activate the transmutation process and give birth to Garbles with different DNA, traits and powers based on your selected input materials. Play around with myriads of combinations to find out your favourite species and discover which ones are more effective to solve the minigames and missions disseminated around the map.

But wait, there is more. When we say we are on a mission to clean up the planet, we don’t mean it figuratively. We are cleaning the planet for real.

Real C02 as in-game resource

The two most important monetary resources in Garbles are NUCLEAR energy and C02. While NUCLEAR is required to activate the Transmuter and initiate the transmutation of garbage into Garbles, C02 can be bought, traded or obtained in the game to get a boost in NUCLEAR energy and special perks.

Real C02 is used in the game in the form of tokenized Carbon Credits, certificates that represent the right to emit a set amount of carbon dioxide or the equivalent amount of a different greenhouse gas (GHG).

Carbon credits are issued by those who verify that climate impact has taken place. People and organizations can then buy them for planet-positive impact. Each carbon credit represents a measurable and verifiable removal, reduction, or avoidance of GHG emissions.

By leveraging C02 in the game economy, Garbles stimulates the demand for carbon credits. The larger our economy grows, the greater the demand for carbon assets and the impact we can have on driving money to projects that generate a climate-positive impact.

Carbon credits are one way through which Garbles aims to become a positive catalyst for tackling climate change. There is a lot more we can do leveraging incentives and gameplay mechanics. Stay with us to follow our journey and have fun while cleaning the planet. For real!

Join our Community

Private Beta Sign up: https://discord.gg/zQ3CPA7TVu
Twitter: https://twitter.com/garblesfun
Discord: https://discord.gg/zQ3CPA7TVu

Garbles is the first title from MagicBlocks, a Web3 mobile studio that bridges the gap between blockchains and the mass mobile market.




The blockchain mobile game that cleans up the planet